Elder Abuse Victim Stories on Betrayal by California Licensing and Regulatory Agencies
The California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) “often takes years to act on complaints of egregious misconduct, leaving nurses accused of wrongdoing free to practice without restrictions” and “has failed to protect patients from nurses who are incompetent and dangerous,” according to the multi-part investigative series When Caregivers Harm: America’s Unwatched Nurses, by ProPublica and the Los Angeles Times. The BRN “failed to act against nurses whose misconduct already had been thoroughly documented and sanctioned by others [e.g., employers or another state licensing board] . . . yet [who] have blemish-free records with the nursing board,” said the July 11, 2009 “When Caregivers Harm: Problem Nurses Stay on the Job as Patients Suffer,” by ProPublica’s Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber and by the Los Angeles Times’ Maloy Moore.
Are you an elder abuse victim who has been further victimized by a California licensing and regulatory agency?
- Are you an elder abuse victim who has been victimized a second time by the mishandling of your elder abuse report by a California licensing and regulatory agency charged with the responsibility of protecting patients from incompetent and dangerous health care providers, such as nurses, nursing homes, and hospitals?
- Did the California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) Licensing and Certification Program, California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), or the California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (BVNPT) disregard overwhelming evidence you gave them substantiating your elder abuse report?
- Did CDPH, BRN, or BVNPT investigators go easy on a nursing home or licensed nurse and absolve the health care provider of all responsibility for blatantly incompetent, grossly negligent, or dangerous conduct?
You are just one of many victims of California licensing and regulatory agencies’ failure to protect vulnerable patients from harm
- You are one of a growing network of informed citizens, elder advocates, government whistleblowers, demoralized law enforcement officers, and nursing home insiders throughout the United States who are committed to publicly exposing and reforming what U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) called a “seriously corrupted” and “broken” nursing home inspection and complaint investigation process.
- You may also be just one of many victims of the California Board of Registered Nursing, which “has failed to protect patients from nurses who are incompetent and dangerous,” according to the multi-part investigative series When Caregivers Harm: America’s Unwatched Nurses, by ProPublica and the Los Angeles Times.
- The California Board of Registered Nursing “often takes years to act on complaints of egregious misconduct, leaving nurses accused of wrongdoing free to practice without restrictions” and “failed to act against nurses whose misconduct already had been thoroughly documented and sanctioned by others [e.g., employers or another licensing board in California or another state] . . . yet [who] have blemish-free records with the nursing board,” said the July 11, 2009 “When Caregivers Harm: Problem Nurses Stay on the Job as Patients Suffer,” by ProPublica’s Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber and by the Los Angeles Times’ Maloy Moore.
Elder Abuse Exposed.com compiles and publicly exposes your stories and evidence of California licensing and regulatory agencies’ failure to protect vulnerable patients
- Elder Abuse Exposed.com compiles and publicly exposes your well-substantiated elder abuse reports that you have submitted to an agency (CDPH’s Licensing and Certification Program, the California BRN, or the California BVNPT).
- Elder Abuse Exposed.com and our growing network of like-minded victims of misconduct by CDPH, BRN, and BVNPT also publicly expose how these agencies try to whitewash your report or sweep it under the rug.
- Elder Abuse Exposed.com publishes below your personal stories and primary source documents (e.g., elder abuse reports, correspondence, public records, government investigation reports, photos, audio recordings, and videos). We do this so that we all can expose to the light of day that California’s licensing and regulatory agencies are consistently refusing to fulfill their legal duty to protect vulnerable patients from harm by licensed nurses and wealthy, politically connected nursing homes and hospitals.
What you can do
- If you are an elder abuse victim, a family or friend of a victim, an attorney, or a patients’ rights advocate with a personal story and primary source documents to share with the world regarding misconduct by the California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) Licensing and Certification Program, the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), or the California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (BVNPT), please tell your story so that we can add it to our compilation of victim stories below.
- If you are a demoralized government whistleblower, hospital or nursing home insider, or conscience-stricken health care provider (e.g., physician, licensed nurse, or certified nursing assistant) with inside information or hot tips regarding elder abuse cases and misconduct by CDPH’s Licensing and Certification Program, the California BRN, or the California BVNPT, please send us (even anonymously if you want) your information and documents that you want to include in our compilation of personal stories below.
- If you are a state or federal politician, legislator, prosecutor, an official from a watchdog or oversight agency, a patients’ rights advocacy organization, or a news reporter who is troubled by California licensing and regulatory agencies’ failure to protect vulnerable patients, then Elder Abuse Exposed.com urges you to read the compilation of victim stories and primary source documents below.
Victim stories and evidence of California licensing and regulatory agencies’ failure to protect elder abuse victims
- John Doe elder abuse case handled by CDPH’s Licensing and Certification Program (July 18, 2012)
- Jane Doe elder abuse case handled by California Board of Registered Nursing (July 19, 2012)
- John Doe elder abuse case handled by California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (July 22, 2012)
(Note: We are in the process of preparing and uploading victim stories and supporting documentation related to the betrayal by California licensing and regulatory agencies. Thank you for your patience. In the meantime, you can now see many victim stories related to the betrayal by California probate court judges.)