About the California Elder Abuse Advocacy Group Elder Abuse Exposed.com
Mahatma Gandhi, humanitarian and civil rights leader (1869–1948), in the public domain. (Photo credit: Unknown author via Wikimedia Commons, 1940s)
California’s advocacy and watchdog group for elder abuse victims without powerful corporate lobbyists in Sacramento
- Elder Abuse Exposed.com is a California-based elder abuse advocacy and watchdog group dedicated to strengthening and reforming the civil rights and protections that state and federal laws guarantee, but unfortunately elude, California’s vulnerable and often-abused elders and dependent adults.
- Elder Abuse Exposed.com’s multidisciplinary membership is composed of committed elder care advocates and providers, family members of elder abuse victims, health care professionals, and veteran elder law and elder abuse experts.
- Elder Abuse Exposed.com uses public education campaigns, legislative action, and judicial reforms to combat the double victimization of vulnerable elders and dependent adults who, first, are direct victims of elder abuse and then are victims of California government agencies’ usual unwillingness to enforce the law.
- Elder Abuse Exposed.com was originally founded in 2004 by an association of the following committed members:
- Elder care providers
- Health care professionals
- Geriatric physicians and social workers
- Geriatric care managers
- County social services supervisor
- Nursing home insiders
- Patients’ rights advocates
- Family members of elder abuse victims
- Professional and non-professional conservators (i.e., legal guardians)
- Public policy consultant on public interest issues in the disability rights and long-term care fields
- Retired Los Angeles Police Department captain who co-founded LAPD’s elder abuse unit
- Veteran elder law and elder abuse experts, including, according to the California Second District Court of Appeal, “a recognized leader in the field of elder law and the drafter of the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (Welf. & Inst. Code, § 15600 et seq.)”